热烈祝贺“成都大学斯特灵学院”获中国教育部批准正式设立,这是我校携手英国斯特灵大学合作共建的中英国际健康体育产业学院,是学校持续推进国际化战略的标志性成果,也是学校建设特色鲜明、国内一流应用型城市大学征程上的重要里程碑。对此,我倍感振奋,也充满期待。 成都大学是第31届世界大学生夏季运动会运动员村所在高校,英国斯特灵大学是英国年度体育大学,两校在培养面向未来健康体育产业需求的应用型创新人才愿景方面达成高度契合,致力于通过中英融合的跨学科培养和跨国境教育,助力有志有为 的中国青年持续储备21世纪技能,全面提升全球胜任力,在求知问学中拓展家国情怀与世界视野。 欢迎加入成都大学斯特灵学院!欢迎成为成都大学与英国斯特灵大学教育共同体的一员!
王清远 成都大学校长
以下为译文: Congratulations on the establishment of the “Chengdu University - Stirling College”, with the approval from the Chinese Ministry of Education. The Chengdu University - Stirling College is a Sino-British International College of Health and Sports Industry, which is co-established between Chengdu University and the University of Stirling, UK. Its establishment is a landmark achievement of the university's continuous internationalisation strategy and an important milestone on the journey of building a distinctive and first-class city university in China. I am very excited and full of expectation for this. Chengdu University is the host university of the athletes' village of the 31st World University Summer Games, and the University of Stirling is the UK Sport University of the Year. The two institutions share a common vision of cultivating innovative talents for the future needs of the health and sports industry. Through interdisciplinary cultivation and cross-border education, our two institutions are committed to helping aspiring Chinese youths to continuously build up their 21st century skills, enhance their global competence, and expand their national and global perspectives in their pursuit of knowledge and learning. Welcome to the Chengdu University - Stirling College! Welcome to be a member of the University of Stirling and Chengdu University Education Community!
Professor Wang Qingyuan President of Chengdu University

I am delighted to see our exciting partnership with Chengdu University come to fruition, with the recent approval from the Chinese Ministry of Education of the ‘Chengdu University - Stirling College’. With the opening of the ‘Chengdu University- Stirling College’, students will be able to benefit from the unique strengths of our two institutions, and take courses in areas where the University of Stirling has world leading expertise. The portfolio of courses is tailored to meet China’s needs and the aspirations of the city of Chengdu, and will appeal to bright, ambitious individuals who want exposure to the latest teaching-methods and research in sports, data science and digital media. The courses build on Stir ling’s credentials as Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence and a reputation that was recognised in our recent winning of the Times Higher’ Sport University of the Year award in 2020. The Chengdu University – University of Stirling initiative further strengthens the already close relations between Scottish universities and the city of Chengdu, and marks an important milestone in the on-going collaboration that exists between the peoples of our two countries. It gives me great pleasure to welcome students to our programmes and to the University of Stirling’s global community of staff, students and collaborators. I look forward to meeting you in the not too distant future, in either Chengdu or Stirling.
Professor Sir Gerry McCormac, Principal of the University of Stirling
以下为译文: “成都大学-斯特灵学院”最近获得中国教育部批准,是我方与成都大学合作关系取得的成果,我非常欣喜。 随着“成都大学-斯特灵学院”的开设,学生将能够受益于我们两所院校的独特优势,并能在斯特灵大学所拥有的世界领先专业知识领域进行课程学习。该课程组合是为满足中国的需求和成都城市发展的志向而量身定做的,并将吸引打算在体育、数据科学和数字媒体领域体验最新教学方法和研究成果的聪明而有抱负的个人。 斯特灵大学所拥有“苏格兰优秀体育大学”的资历以及荣获“2020年泰晤士报高等体育学院年度最佳体育大学奖”而获得广泛认可的声誉,是这些课程的保障。成都大学与斯特灵大学的创举进一步加强了苏格兰大学与成都市之间已密切的关系,是当下两国人民之间合作的一个重要里程碑。我非常高兴地欢迎学生们参加我们的课程学习,并成为斯特灵大学员工、学生和合作者全球社区的一员。我期待在不久的将来在成都或斯特灵见到你。
杰里·麦科马克教授 斯特灵大学校长