2. 所有外籍师生,请继续每日填写健康情况登记表,向所在学院如实准确地汇报健康状况和旅居史等信息。
3. 若您在近十四天内有中高风险地区及疫情发生地旅居史,或有与病例轨迹有交集,请第一时间向社区和学校报备。社区将根据您的具体情况安排隔离排查和核酸检测,请您积极配合并做好个人防护。
5. 坚持“非必要不外出”,学生暂停校外实习,需到校的外籍师生坚持做到每天“两点一线”,避免去人群聚集的地方,避免跨区域出行,避免近距离接触流感样症状的患者;外出时,务必要正确佩戴口罩,降低感染风险。
6. 疫情防控,人人有责。请您积极做好自我防控和家人防疫,通过权威渠道了解疫情动态,不信谣、不传谣。
Important notice for international teachers and students
in Chengdu
November 15, 2021
Dear international teachers and students,
First of all, thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 in our university over the past year! Thanks to your cooperation and support, there has been no case of infection among our foreign friends so far. Recently, Chengdu has reported imported cases from other provinces. The Chengdu government has assigned great importance to the flare-up and activated the emergency response system for the COVID-19 prevention and control at once. So far, all the prevention and control work is in good progress. To cut off the spread rapidly and effectively, and secure the health and safety of everyone in Chengdu, we provide the following important tips to all our international teachers and students in Chengdu:
1. Pay attention to Chengdu's COVID-19 news updates and ongoing epidemic prevention and control policies, and remain cooperative in showing health codes, checking temperatures, taking nucleic acid tests, and other epidemic prevention and control measures. Please consciously fulfil your social responsibility, complete nucleic acid testing and two injections of the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible and report to your college after completion.
2. All international teachers and students should continue to fill in the daily health registration form and report your health status and residence history to your colleges.
3. Report at once to your community and college if you have been in medium- or high-risk areas or areas where cases have been reported within the last 14 days, or had any overlap with the trajectory of the confirmed cases. According to your situation, your community may organize quarantine and nucleic acid test if needed, please remain cooperative and follow strict personal protection measures.
4. If your Tianfu Health Code turns yellow or red, please report to your community at once, take a nucleic acid test as required, stay at home until you get a negative nucleic acid test result and report to your college immediately.
5. Insist on "no going out unless necessary". For international students, lease suspend your off-campus internships and for those international students and teachers who need to be on campus, please insist on "Two Points and One Line" every day, and avoid crowded places, travels across areas, and close contact with people with flu-like symptoms. When you go out, make sure you wear a face mask correctly to reduce the risk of infection.
Everyone has an obligation to facilitate epidemic prevention and control. Please follow strict personal protection measures for yourself and your family, keep updated with the latest COVID-19 news through official channels, and don't believe or spread rumors.
Let's be united and work together to protect our common home!
Office of International Cooperation and Exchange
Chengdu University