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五一劳动节放假通知 Notice on Labor Day



Dear students,

根据学校通知,五一劳动节放假安排如下:2021年五一劳动节放假调休共五天(51日至5日),425日(星期日),58日(星期六)照常上课, 课程具体安排请和班主任确认。

According to the university schedule, the holiday of Labor Day will start from May 1st to May 5th. Classes will be held as usual on April 25th and May 8th, please contact your head teachers for details.


1. 放假期间尽量避免地区间流动。学生如需出校或离蓉,请务必按照疫情防控相关要求履行请假手续,得到学院批准后方可离开,并注意做好个人防护。

Please avoid the regional mobility without any special reasons. In accordance with the requirements for epidemic prevention and control student can only leave school or Chengdu after getting the approval of college, and take care of your personal protection.

2. 积极配合学校防疫工作,按时填写每日健康报告。保持室内空气的流通,避免到封闭、空气不流通的公众场所和人多集中地方,必要时请佩戴口罩。

Cooperate with the university continuously, to complete the daily health report every day. Maintain indoor air circulation and avoid closed and airless public places and crowded places. Wear masks if necessary.

3. 遵守交通法律法规、注意交通安全。

Comply with traffic laws and regulations, pay attention to traffic safety.

4. 提高自身的防诈骗意识,不随便点击陌生链接,不轻信任何人的转账要求

Improve anti-fraud awareness. Do not click on unfamiliar links and do not trust anyone's request for money transfer.

5. 提高安全防火意识。外出要记得关窗关电关气。

Enhance fire safety awareness. Remember to close the windows, switch off the electricity and the gas when you leave the room.

6. 珍爱生命、远离毒品。

Cherish life and stay away from drugs.


Office of international Cooperation and Exchange