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1. 为了之后返校做准备,了解返校同学的健康情况,请大家每天在班级群进行健康打卡。不打卡算缺课两节。

2. 大家按照教学安排要求进行上课签到。如已进行健康打卡但没有上课签到,按照实际缺课数计算。

3. 如果没有签到上课也没有健康打卡,按当天课时数相应的节数,再加上两节课作为当天的缺课数计算。



1. 旷课累计达 20 学时者,给予警告处分;

2. 旷课累计 21-30 学时者,给予严重警告处分;

3. 旷课累计 31-40 学时者,给予记过处分;

4. 旷课累计 41-50 学时者,给予留校察看处分;

5. 连续旷课两周或累计旷课 50 学时以上者,给予开除学籍处分。










Notice of online teaching arrangement and attendance rules for international students in new semester 


Dear students,

Due to the epidemic situation, the teaching in the Spring semester has been carried out online since 24th February for Degree students, while the language students will start online study on 9th March, please refer to the notice from your head teachers for the teaching arrangement.


In order to ensure getting enough credits, please observe the following rules:

1. For the concern of all international students' wellbeing and the preparation of returning to campus, it is required that all international students clock in for condition report in your class Wechat group. The daily report is taken as two periods of online study.

2. Please sign in each day for online teaching according to the teaching arrangement. Those who clock in but failed taking classes will be recorded with the actual absent period.

3. Those who neither take classes nor clock in will be taken record with the sum of actual absent periods plus 2 more periods.


Students who are absent from class for the following class hours during one semester will be given punishment as below:

1.     Students who are absent for up to 20 class hours will be given disciplinary warning;

2.     Students who are absent for 21-30 class hours will be given severe warning;

3.     Students who are absent for 31-40 class hours will be given demerit recording punishment;

4.     Students who are absent for 41-50 class hours will be given detention;

5.     Students who are absent for two consecutive weeks or more than 50 class hours in total will be expelled from university.


Finally, the office would like to remind every student that the new semester has officially begun.Please pay attention to your study tasks.Leaving request for traveling and part-time job or any other related reasons will not be accepted.Online class learning performance will be assessed as the basis for scholarships.

We wish you success in your studies!


Office of International Cooperation and Exchange

28th Feb,2020