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2nd Q&As to All International Teachers and Students



Has Chengdu University decided when the new semester would start?

 A: 暂时还未确定。由于新冠疫情在中国还没有结束,学校还不能确保学生返校的安全,新学期开学日期还需等待中国教育部和省教育厅的通知。

Not yet. As the COVID-19 has not been fully controlled in China,we are not yet able to ensure the safety of students back to university. The starting date of new semester shall be decided according to the final instructions from Ministry of Education and provincial education department.



The COVID-19 virus situation in China is gradually stable. Can I come back to China now?

 A:不可以。在接到学校正式通知前所有学生不得返回中国。 目前疫情也已在其他国家和地区爆发,人员的流动是控制疫情的最大威胁之一,特别是通过公共交通枢纽的出行。为了所有人的健康和安全,请大家等到学校进一步通知后再返回中国。如果你有极特殊情况,请第一时间和你所在学院(部)的老师联系,我们会最大可能给你帮助。

NO. All students are not allowed to come back to China before receiving the formal notice from university. The COVID-19 virus has also spread in other countries and regions. The movement of people is one of the biggest threats to control the epidemic specially when travelling through public transportation. For everyone's safety, please do not return until further notice announced by  the university. If you are in exceptional circumstances, please contact teachers of your college/department immediately. We will offer you help with efforts.



What if I return to Chengdu without approval from university?


During the period of epidemic prevention control, students who return to China without permission from the university will be punished according to the circumstances. If the student  refuses to cooperate, or deliberately conceals or falsely reports his health status, thereby causing the spread of the epidemic or posing a serious risk of transmission, he/she shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility according to relevant regulations.



I have been living in dorm on campus since Winter vacation, can I enter and exit campus freely?

 A: 不能。为了保证校内人员的安全,学校实行了封闭管理。 未经事先批准,留校学生不得随意进出校园。如有特殊情况需要进出校园,请提前向所在学院(部)提出申请,学院(部)将提交申请至学校各相关部门进行报送和审批。

No. For safety of people staying on campus, the university has conducted close-down management. Students staying in dorm are not allowed to go in or out of university without prior permission. If you are under inevitable situation and have to leave or enter campus, please apply in advance to your college. The college will submit your application to relevant departments of university for approval.



Who should I contact for questions regarding international student visa issues?

 A: 可以发邮件至oice@cdu.edu.cn咨询外籍人员管理服务科。

Students should consult the International Teachers and Students Division by send email to  oice@cdu.edu.cn.



How to keep up to date on the latest official notice announced by university?

 A: 请定期查看学院(部)相关微信群内消息,咨询班主任老师,并关注成大海外"官方公众号及成都大学国际合作与交流处官方网站(http://oice.cdu.edu.cn)

Please check up messages in wechat groups regularly, consult your head teachers from your college. Also follow the official wechat account of“成大海外"as well as pay attention to the official website of OICE of Chengdu University (http://oice.cdu.edu.cn).



Are there any change of Entry and Exit Policy of China ?

A:上海规定,所有中外人员,凡在进入上海之日前 14 天内,有过重点国家或地区旅居史的,一律隔离 14 天。




Policy in Shanghai: all passengers entering in Shanghai with a history of residence in epidemic countries or regions within 14 days , must be quarantined for 14 days.

Policy in Beijing: from 0:00 on March 16, all passengers entering in Beijing from overseas shall be transferred to the centralized observation point for 14 days of quarantine. In case of special circumstances, home quarantine can be carried out after a strict assessment. All cost of centralized quarantine shall be borne by themselves.

Policy in Guangdong: all passengers entering in Guangdong from overseas (including through the third country, Hong Kong area and Macao area) with a history of residence in epidemic countries or regions within 14 days shall be transported to the destination by special bus after the arrival, and shall be in quarantine at home or at centralized observation point for 14 days.

Policy in Chengdu: passengers entering in Chengdu with a history of residence in epidemic countries or regions within 14 days, shall do the pidemiological investigation, PCR detection and shall be in quarantine at home or at centralized observation point for 14 days.





Office of Cooperation and Exchange

   Chengdu University  


                                                   March 16, 2020