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No Returning to Campus Without the Schools Official Notice:A Letter to All International Teachers and Students from CDU



Dear international teachers and students,



First of all, thank you for your understanding and cooperation in the prevention and control of the NCP in the past 2 months! Since novel coronavirus cuased pneumonia occurred, the Chinese government has taken active measures to control the spread nationwide, and made some achievments of the first period. But the danger is still around us. As you know, recently, the Novel Cronavirus is spreading in the whole world, and the situation in some country is getting more severe.In the coming period of time, we all will face greater pressure and challenge. As you are now locating all over the world, please do pay attention to protect yourself and your family.



No matter where you are, the univeristy concerned for the safety of you and your families, the university would like to make the following tips and requirements to all international teachers and  students:


1. 为了每一位老师和学生的安全,学校将继续保持校园关闭状态,并推迟开学时间。在未接到学校开学通知前,所有师生请勿提前返校,离校外籍教师请务必留在目前所在的安全的地方。具体返校时间将另行通知,届时请根据学校通知的时间安排返校行程。

For the safety of every teacher and student, the university will keep the campus closed and postponed the start of the Spring semester.Before receiving the university’s official back to school announcement, all teachers and students MUST NOT return to campus in advance. Please stay where you currently are and make sure your safty. The university will inform you the returning date when it’s confirmed, please do not arrange or buy returning tickets before the confirmation.

2. 请大家密切关注学校官方相关通知,了解疫情相关信息,学习健康防病知识,提高自我防护能力。

Pay close attention to the notice issued by official website or public accounts of our university , keep track of the latest epidemic news, learn the knowledge of disease prevention and self-protection, and improve your self-prevention ability.

3. 目前留校和留在中国境内的外籍老师,尽量减少流动,遵守当地社区疫情防控相关要求,办理居住小区出入证。学校国合处会协助联系社区进行帮助。

For international teachers who stay on campus or in China currently, please recuce outdoor activities, and follow the requirment from local community to get the access card of the community where you live. OICE-CDU will help you to communicate with your community. 

4. 寒假留校的学生,请按照之前发的通知服从学校统一管理。

For students who stay on campus at present, please check the latest notice and follow the arrangement of the university.

5. 所有师生,务必每日填写健康情况登记表,向所在学院汇报行踪、健康状况等信息,不得虚报、瞒报。

For all international teachers and students , please report where you are and your health situation to your college by filling the daily physical report form every day. Please DO NOT report false or concealed information.

6. 若曾接触过由疫情严重国家和地区(湖北、韩国、日本、意大利、伊朗等地区)归来人员的,应密切关注自己的身体状况,自觉居家医学观察两周(14天),留学生主动向班主任老师报告情况,外籍教师主动向学院合作教师报告情况。观察期间要佩戴医用外科口罩,注意休息,不私自外出,不参加各种聚会。同时保持个人卫生,生活用具用品专用。

If you have ever come into contact with someone who returned from the worst-hit area (such as from Hubei, Public of Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran, etc.), please pay close attention to your own physical condition and stay at home for medical observation for two weeks (14 days). Report to your head teacher (if you are a student) or to your co-teacher (if you are a teacher). During the observation period, wear a surgical mask, have enough rest, do not go out or gather round without necessity. At the same time, maintain hygiene of yourself and your daily necessities.

7. 要随时关注自己及家人的健康状况。新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎初期主要以发热、乏力、干咳为主要表现。若出现相关症状时,应第一时间上报所在学院,并到医院就医,主动告知疫区流动史或病例接触史,绝不可贻误病情。

Always pay attention to the health of yourself and your family members.  The initial stage of pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus is mainly characterized by fever, fatigue and dry cough. If you have such symptoms, report immediately to your teacher or co-teacher and go to hospitals for medical treatment as soon as possible.  DO inform medical professionals of your history of flow or case contact in the epidemic area.

8. 避免到人群聚集的地方去,避免近距离接触流感样症状的患者;如确需到商场、车站、机场、医院等公共场所,务必要正确佩戴口罩,降低感染风险;不到疫区,尽量取消外出旅游、研学、探亲等出行计划。

Avoid going to crowded places, avoid close contact with patients with influenza-like symptoms. If you really need to go to public places, like shopping malls, stations, airports or hospitals, wear surgical masks correctly to reduce the risk of infection. Do not go to epidemic area. It is strongly suggested to cancel plans for traveling.

9. 注意个人卫生及防护,勤洗手,提高室内开窗通风频率;不随地吐痰,打喷嚏或咳嗽时用纸巾或袖口遮住口鼻,使用后的纸巾、口罩应包裹密封后丢弃在有害垃圾箱内。

Pay attention to personal hygiene and protection. Wash hands frequently. Open your windows more often for ventilation. Do not spit. Cover your nose and mouth with tissue when sneezing or coughing. Wrap then dispose tissue and masks after using them into Hazardous Waste bins.

10. 面对疫情,要保持理性思考和良好心态,不恐慌、不造谣、不信谣、不传谣;要养成良好生活习惯,适度加强锻炼,提高身体免疫力。

Facing with the epidemic, it is necessary to stay rational, do not panic. Do not make, believe or spread rumors. Keep good living habits with regular exercise to improve your immunity.



Everyone is responsible for the prevention and control of the epidemic. Let's make joint efforts to fight against the epidemic. We sincerely wish all of you to meet the future with great physical and mental condition!





Office of International Cooperation and Exchange

            Chengdu University

6th March, 2020